Live Sustainably For Less Money

May 30, 2013- If you love the idea of shopping local and eating strictly organic, cage-free, humanely-raised foods but just can’t afford the hefty price tag, read on. Here are some options for busy people who want to live more sustainably, without breaking the bank:

Buy in bulk. Not only does buying in bulk save money, it also has less impact on the environment. Look for the unit price per ounce. It costs the manufacturer more to offer smaller pre-packaged products so that is usually why they are more expensive than bulk items.

Skip the Snack Packs. While these products might be convenient if you are divvying up small quantities for kids, it's a waste of excess cardboard and plastic. Invest in reusable food bags and, they will last a lot longer than throw-away plastic baggies.

Buy store brands. Store-branded items tend to be less expensive, especially when it comes to organic produce and meats. Store-brand products have the same ingredients as name brand ones in most cases, but taste will vary.

Exercise while doing laundry – or anything else. Doctors say you need an average of 30 minutes per day of cardio. Maybe taking the stairs is the most convenient way to get your daily dose, especially if you work in an office building. If you spend most of your time at home, consider jogging up the stairs or sprinting to the car instead of walking. You can also build in a few short walks outside (or one long walk) to reach the 30-minute requirement.

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